We are extremely honored to welcome our prestigious client from Ahli Bank, Mr. Jassim Al Saadi - Head of Facility Management Services, Mr. Ahmed Baraka - FM Services and Mr. Moustafa Abo Al Matty - Asst. Manager, Shareholders FM Department who visited DIFM Head Office on 9th September 2020.
Darwish Interserve Facility Management provide Building Maintenance and Cleaning Services to Ahli Bank Head Office Building, 14 Branches, 56 ATMs and Stores in the State of Qatar.
Mohamed Saadeh - DIFM General Manager led an in-depth tour by giving them insights to our 24/7 Helpdesk Centre, In-house Training Centre for BICSc and Technical Trainings with dedicated demonstration and learning room followed by a presentation of our company profile and Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system.
"This visit will go to the history of DIFM and we are humbled that our clients were able to witness how we continuously improve our services to ensure their complete satisfaction," Mohamed Saadeh - DIFM General Manager said.